Sunday, March 26, 2017

A1 Pest Control Canberra Thermal Imaging Is A Must Selling Your Home

This is a really important message to put out because one of the first things that a seller needs to do to prepare their home to go on the market is to organise both building and pest inspections as this is included in the contract that the solicitor puts together the report that must show that the property is clear of termites and asbestos.
The buyer then buys the report off the owner at exchange. Receipts are attached and this is only in ACT not any other states.
In effect the reports cost the seller NOTHING as the buyer reimburses the seller.
If the prospect is considering buying the property they are sometimes disappointed at seeing comments seen on a termite or building visual pest report:
– weather prevented entry to roof
– not able to access to inspect etc
The buyer is left wondering if there are termites and or building faults and are left to decide do I accept this report and gamble and pray its all fine or do I order another report?
There is only one way to ensure a property gets a thorough inspection and that is through having a thermal imaging inspection.
One of the best things that having this type of inspection it not only picks up termite movement, body heat and moisture before any damage and also weather and space restrictions do not effect thermal imaging inspection at ALL….
Thermal imaging will pick up termite, movement, body heat & moisture long before there is any damage BUT also building faults such as:
– roof leaks, bathroom leaks
– a/c duct leaks
– potential plumbing issues
– moisture & mold
– missing insulation
– electrical concerns
Where the visual inspection can not detect many of the problems outlined above this could be the VERY reason an astute buyer would want you to knock many thousands off the price when you could get the thermal imaging done and fix any potential problem.
If the home you are purchasing does have a complete visual pest report on the most important buying decision you will make GET A THERMAL IMAGING REPORT TODAY
Many times we have been called by distressed buyers who have gambled with visual inspection reports that they have not been able to gain access to certain areas….and guess what? That is the very area that the problem was!
Call Bob 0407 065 413 TODAY…

FREE Thermal Imaging When Selling Your Home In Canberra!

Free thermal Imaging its a catchy headline right? Everyone loves a free anything but this is so true in Canberra alone as the seller needs to prepare their home to sell and needs to organise both building and pest inspections to give to their solicitor to ensure that the property is clear of termites and asbestos.
The buyer then buys the report off the owner at exchange and therefore is FREE to the seller!
This is only in Canberra ACT not in any of the other states.
Many sellers will take the visual termite inspection BUT this really does not give peace of mind to the buyer especially when its noted on the report that “weather did no permit access” or “not enough space under the flooring to inspect!”
Thermal imaging will pick up not only termites, body heat & movement long before they do damage BUT building faults such as:
– roof leaks, bathroom leaks
– a/c duct leaks
– potential plumbing issues
– moisture & mold
– missing insulation
– electrical concerns
Basically, weather does not permit an inspection as thermal imaging sees through walls, concrete etc..
Compared to the visual termite inspection look around and tapping done by the inspector PLUS even when the property is sold and the new owners find new problems – the real estate agent will hear all about it and will need to act.
This is annoying to the seller as it not only delays selling the property but the buyer will use what they find in their investigation to negotiate a further discount on the property as they will need to fix the problem at their own cost.
Its therefore a lot less stressful to have a thorough thermal imaging done before putting it on the market.
Save yourself the trouble get a full thermal imaging termite report that will pick up any termite movement, moisture or body heat PLUS the added advantage of finding undetected house faults!
Call Bob 0407 065 413 A1 Pest Control Canberra to book your thermal image termite inspection TODAY!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Possum Catchers Hints and Tips

Those cute little big eyed possums are great in the wild but let them find their way to your roof void through broken tiles or not properly sealed cooling/heating units your peaceful nights will be no more!
In fact when you are getting ready to close your eyes the possums are ready to party and they do and scurry in your roof like they have army boots on, fight and mate that will keep you awake or disturb your sleep.
Bob and the team get called out regularly to trap/relocate possums and people think that they have only one possum but that is not true they travel in pairs with their mate and customers are very surprised when we do trap the 2nd possum.
– never leave food out for possums as this encourages them to return
– rake up fallen fruit from fruit trees
– trim back bushes and shrubs from outside the house by a metre
– get rid of vines growing on the house as they are easy access to your roof
– check that installed air conditioning is properly sealed
– don’t leave pet food bowls with any food left in it outside
A1 Pest Control Canberra are one of only a few pest control companies that are fully licensed by TAMS to catch and release possums.
We can also hire the traps out for those that want to do this themselves (POA).
Call Bob on 0407 065 413

A1 Pest Control Canberra – Termite Specialists

Why do we call ourselves termite specialists? I guess it has to do with the fact that we go over and beyond what is expected of a pest control company that we take pride in our work and want to help everyone of our customers get protection from the damage that termites can do.
It’s the fact that we invest in our own education that keeps us a step in front of the pack so we are aware of any changes in technology or new treatments that have come onto the market place that give better safer results we would want to know that too to pass onto our customers.
Many times we are called in and amazed at those that have come in before us and stated that there are “NO” termites and have just taken the inspection money and run where on closer inspection its very evident that there are termites.
Perhaps the other company didn’t go all the way under the house to check for evidence of termites or otherwise they would not of missed the mud tracks left by the termites?
Or they inspected the property on a wet day and was not able to gain access to a roof due to weather on the day, who knows all we know if there is one area that is miss or overlooked its like giving termites the keys to the house!
Our mission is to save you money and to use not only the tools we use visually, but to offer you newer technology like thermal imaging that detects moisture, body heat and movement of termites but also alerts you the owner of potential plumbing and electrical issues as well.
Weather does not prevent us from checking on roofs and checking under the house as the thermal imaging can detect through all surfaces.
I also know that we use only superior products like Termidor that give a $2million dollar 8 year warranty and we feel that alone gives the customers peace of mind when choosing a termite specialist.
We always choose people over profits and this also sets us aside from our competitors who will use a cheaper product and increase the price.
If you are looking for Termite Specialist who does pre-construction, commercial and domestic property contact Bob on 0407 065 413 or email
Source: Termite Hints