Monday, June 5, 2017


I have been telling a few horror stories of what has happened when property owners do not have regular termite inspections here is another story of 3 strikes and your out – please read on.
Bob and the team were called out to O’Connor (Nth Canberra) and its not the first time that we have found live termites in their home but the owner thought that by us chasing the termites out that would be enough to get rid of his problem – wrong!
The termites had attacked the house in the opposite direction and again we mentioned the termite barrier to be installed asap to protect the house from further invasion but we got “I will think about and give you a call”
3 months now past and we got another call same address HELP the termites have been found in another area of the home and “we want them GONE for good when can you do the job!”
Finally, common sense prevailed and not we are installing a chemical barrier with 8 year 2 million dollar assurance that the termites WILL NOT be back!
We have worked out that the damage done the termite barrier would of saved them money if they got it done the first time before any further damage was done.
Book a Termite Pest Control Inspection TODAY Call Bob 0407 065 413
Source: Housing Tips
Please look at the damage termites can do in the older video below the story was picked up by Current Affairs.

Monday, May 29, 2017


Thermal Image & Visual Termite Inspection visit

Pest control was at a premium in Canberra this year with dry humid weather making it the perfect environment for termites and many other pests who were also more evident.
What is involved in a termite inspection?
Many people select as a cheaper option a visual termite inspection where the pest technicians look and listen for signs that termites are active through tapping tools and moisture meters.
This is method is not as thorough and relies on physical evidence that the termites are present.
A1 Pest Control Canberra can do visual inspections but prefers to use the latest tools in thermal imaging which detects termites inside walls, floors and roofs before they do damage.
Pointing the device at various areas (see checklist below) the trained thermal imaging pest control technician picks up heat, movement, damp areas and home maintenance problems before they are evident – saving money for the property owner.

*Interior – Kitchen and bathroom cupboards, skirting boards and wooden door jams, carpet tracking strips, floor boards, ceilings and cornices, gyprock walls.
*Roof void – We systematically check other timbers in order of roof construction – top plates, ceiling joists, hanging beams, strutting beams, struts, underpurlins and collar ties.
*Subfloors – We inspect brick, concrete or limestone piers with ant caps. We check possible leads which may bridge capping into floor bearers and joists.
*Exterior – Inspection of window frames, fascia boards and any wooden items that are part of, or attached to the home. Gardens and property are also inspected and this includes trees, landscaping, boundary fences old stumps and storage areas.
Hope you found this information helpful please call Bob 0407 065413 to book in your termite inspection today.
Remember its what you can’t see and goes undetected does the most damage!


My brother Bruce Gow has a pest control company in Sydney and today he sent me a house in Baulkham Hills just around the corner from his own home in Bella Vista that was eaten away by termites.
The damage was so severe that the whole house needed to be demolished and the sad fact is that this is NOT COVERED by insurance!
For a small cost of an annual termite inspection the termite problem could of been picked up 12 months earlier, treated and a chemical barrier installed and this would of saved the property.
The favourite food of the termite is wood and we live in the bush capital and we are seeing more termite activity especially from those renovating, replacing fences, in stumps that were not grinded in pipes that were leaking behind the walls and the owners were not aware.
Get thermal imaging to detect your property before termites do damage. Its well worth the cost of an annual inspection against paying for a new property that was eaten away with NO insurance to cover the damage.
Ring Bob 0407 065 413 TODAY or email

NOTE: If you are a landlord you can claim this under property maintenance.
Source: Housing Tips

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Being a landlord is rewarding as property values increase around Canberra and I know that many landlords depend on feedback from property managers to make them aware of any pending maintenance issues..
PEST CONTROL definitely comes under the maintenance banner as having regular general inspections will protect your property against infestations by general pests or from causing property damage from termites.
Getting near the end of the financial year is a great time to book in any general pest control, termite inspection or termite barriers if termites are found. Its a claimable expense for investment properties.
– termite inspection either visual or thermal imaging
– chemical termite barriers if termites are found
– general pest all the creepy crawlies, cockroach, spiders etc
– mice/rat baiting this time of year they head indoors
– possum removals are one of our biggest call outs this time of
Call Bob 0407 065 413 or email

Effective and Affordable Pest Control

CANBERRA PEST CONTROL – should be a maintenance program that you should consider as a property owner to prevent your biggest investment your home by being eaten away.
Maintenance is a whole lot easier and cheaper than treating a pest problem, and goes to show that prevention is better than a cure.

TERMITE INSPECTION can be combined with a a general pest inspection or on its own and should be under taken annually.
GENERAL PEST CONTROL initially should be undertaken if your property has never been treated for creepy crawlies its 6 monthly for the first year then back to annual inspections.
The team at A1 Pest Control Canberra will not only treat your property they are there to educate you to get the most out of your treatments.
Call Bob 0407 065 413 to book your treatment today.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Pest Control Management – Cockroach Baiting

This is a pretty disgusting topic and not one to be read while having dinner but cockroach baiting is considered to play an important role in pest control cockroach management programs.
Cockroaches are one of the great survivors and that is why general treatment by home and property owners when using off the shelf products is ineffective when treating an infestation of cockroaches.
Pest Control management uses a term such as toxicant transfer which is when the cockroaches that have fed upon an intoxicated bait contaminating their immediate environment with toxicant laden faeces and vomit which is then consumed by other cockroaches leading to their demise.
It gets better though through the secondary distribution of the bait is the one that is more important especially even more effective should I say with female and instar nymph (baby cockroaches) who do not venture far out from their harbourages.
In the natural environment coprophagy or the consumption of cockroach faesces by nymphs this is called proctodaeal feeding which is directly from the anal area, in the natural environment this type of feeding is essential for their survival. A recent study found that 90% of newly hatched nymphs could survive 10 days eating faesces alone. It seems that the cockroach faesces and vomit contains pheromones that can serve to attract others.
Also there is no doubt that the pest control baits will kill cockroaches but we need  to not have the adult cockroaches killed too quickly as the active bait makes its way through their digestive system and gives the roach time to return from their foraging trips to their harbourages if the bait kills them before they return the transfer is not going to work.
As you can see that using off the shelf product will kill the adults but it will not stop the breeding cycle.
Although no one wants to encourage cockroaches but they are very interesting all the same. It seems the nymphs are attracted to the vomit and faesces of the female cockroach over the male of the species.
A1 Pest Control Canberra team will evaluate the correct product for the type of problem either for commercial or property owner is having.
One of the problems we see in both types of properties is the level of hygiene is not stringent enough and provides breeding grounds for the cockroaches. For example, we had a call out to a new home occupied by 2 Indian families and although the surfaces in the kitchen looked to be clean, on touching the surfaces they were greasy along with the floor.
The owner was asked what they used to wipe down with and they basically only swept the crumbs off.
Benches, floors, toasters, microwave and dishwashers need to be cleaned and wiped over with hot soapy water or a commercial prepare detergents suitable for the cleaning surface.
Pantry is another area that needs attention and opened bottles and packets need to be sealed or transferred to a sealed container.
As already mentioned once into food stuffs the cockroaches vomit and drop faesces in the food or on kitchen preparation areas – to humans this can make you ill or worst case scenario kill you.
On further investigation the bins were full and we asked the owner when do they empty them and were told every 4-5 days which is not often enough. Bins need to be emptied daily and wiped out if there is any residue in the bin.
Simple procedures that are done regularly will say you for a cockroach infestation and protect the health of your family and pets.
Call Bob 0407 065 413 for on time every time appointments. Can contact us through email or visit or website Click HERE

Sunday, March 26, 2017

A1 Pest Control Canberra Thermal Imaging Is A Must Selling Your Home

This is a really important message to put out because one of the first things that a seller needs to do to prepare their home to go on the market is to organise both building and pest inspections as this is included in the contract that the solicitor puts together the report that must show that the property is clear of termites and asbestos.
The buyer then buys the report off the owner at exchange. Receipts are attached and this is only in ACT not any other states.
In effect the reports cost the seller NOTHING as the buyer reimburses the seller.
If the prospect is considering buying the property they are sometimes disappointed at seeing comments seen on a termite or building visual pest report:
– weather prevented entry to roof
– not able to access to inspect etc
The buyer is left wondering if there are termites and or building faults and are left to decide do I accept this report and gamble and pray its all fine or do I order another report?
There is only one way to ensure a property gets a thorough inspection and that is through having a thermal imaging inspection.
One of the best things that having this type of inspection it not only picks up termite movement, body heat and moisture before any damage and also weather and space restrictions do not effect thermal imaging inspection at ALL….
Thermal imaging will pick up termite, movement, body heat & moisture long before there is any damage BUT also building faults such as:
– roof leaks, bathroom leaks
– a/c duct leaks
– potential plumbing issues
– moisture & mold
– missing insulation
– electrical concerns
Where the visual inspection can not detect many of the problems outlined above this could be the VERY reason an astute buyer would want you to knock many thousands off the price when you could get the thermal imaging done and fix any potential problem.
If the home you are purchasing does have a complete visual pest report on the most important buying decision you will make GET A THERMAL IMAGING REPORT TODAY
Many times we have been called by distressed buyers who have gambled with visual inspection reports that they have not been able to gain access to certain areas….and guess what? That is the very area that the problem was!
Call Bob 0407 065 413 TODAY…